Pipe Fusion Welding Process
A definition for fusion welding is as a generic term for welding processes that rely on melting as part of joining materials of similar melting points and composition. Similarly, heat fusion joining for pipes and pipe fittings is a large umbrella term that contains specific procedures and methods such as electrofusion, butt fusion, socket fusion, saddle fusion, and so forth. There are many different methods for fusion welding plastic pipe and they all have their specific uses. Typically, two plastic parts (such as two polyethylene pipes) are welded or coupled together via heat. Various types of fusion welding machines are used depending on what process you are attempting to complete. Heating and welding times will vary depending on types of material used meaning a polyethylene pipe will have a different heating time than polypropylene. Size of pipe is also a factor. Fusion welding of pipe is conducted in an application range from small single home plastic pipelines all the way to transnational pipe systems.
If you are unfamiliar with how to fusion weld pipe, it is wise to use a trained specialist to help you. These operators are specialists that are sometimes called a fusion welder or fusion joiner.
If you are unfamiliar with how to fusion weld pipe, it is wise to use a trained specialist to help you. These operators are specialists that are sometimes called a fusion welder or fusion joiner.
Safety Through Reliable Fusion Joints
This safety alert was published in June 2015 and notes that an accident in 2014 relates to an incomplete or weak heat fusion welded joint due to surface contamination. It also reports that "Additional guidance for preparing cleaning surfaces in HDPE pipe prior to fusion bonding can be found in ASTM F2620-13, Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings
Link to NTSB Safety Alert
This safety alert was published in June 2015 and notes that an accident in 2014 relates to an incomplete or weak heat fusion welded joint due to surface contamination. It also reports that "Additional guidance for preparing cleaning surfaces in HDPE pipe prior to fusion bonding can be found in ASTM F2620-13, Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings
Link to NTSB Safety Alert
Looking for more on Heat Fusion?
- Contact us if you have any questions, we'd be happy to chat. We don't care if you say Fusion-welded piping or pipework - it is all the same heat fusion joining process.
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